By | 2017-04-29T20:35:35+00:00 April 11th, 2012|Events|

Genetics, Genomics, Genethics Dig into DNA How will our growing knowledge of the genome affect our health, our societies, and the natural world? How do heredity and the environment interact? This course explores a scientific frontier: how scientists are investigating and applying the information contained in genetic codes. Examine the tools and [...]


By | 2017-04-29T20:38:44+00:00 December 19th, 2011|Events|

Human Genomics: The Next 10 Years The non-profit peer-reviewed research journal on genomcs and genetics, Human Genomics, is sponsoring a public event.  Human Genomics: The Next 10 Years will be meeting at the Scripps Seaside Forum in La Jolla, CA in February 2012.  The event will be February 21 until February 23 at [...]


By | 2017-04-29T20:43:55+00:00 October 17th, 2011|Events|

Global Entrepreneurship Week 2011 By Kauffman Foundation Global Entrepreneurship Week 2011 November 14, 2011 During one week each November, thousands of activities around the world inspire millions to engage in entrepreneurial action while connecting them to potential mentors, collaborators, and investors. In three short years, Global Entrepreneurship Week has expanded to more [...]