The Human Genomics DNA Laboratory at Sorenson Genomics employs state-of-the-art instrumentation and genetic analysis for DNA sequencing and other genomics services. Our DNA testing expertise includes DNA genotyping, DNA sequencing and fragment analysis for use in population genetics and human genotyping. We specialize in DNA testing for forensic science and research projects. Sorenson Genomics offers expertise in managing high-throughput DNA testing projects including specimen collection, extraction, purification, DNA genotyping, DNA sequencing, analysis, and database development. Our world-class Human Genomics DNA Laboratory performs high throughput core laboratory functions available to other scientific or academic institutions, external investigators, and government or commercial enterprises.
Our world-class Human Genomics DNA Laboratory performs high throughput core laboratory functions for forensic science, consumer products and research projects.
A highly efficient DNA Laboratory Information Management System (LIMS) involving bar-coded DNA samples and robotics monitors all specimens throughout the entire DNA laboratory testing process, with human interaction at every step of the process thus assuring the highest quality of genomics service achievable in the industry. Checks and balances, as well as system controls, are employed to provide reliable and accurate DNA extraction, analysis and test results.
The Human Genomics DNA Laboratory at Sorenson Genomics is a global leader in DNA testing and is one of the most accredited genomics laboratories in the world. The Human Genomics Laboratory is equipped with multiple robotic DNA extraction platforms, liquid handling workstations and DNA analyzers. In addition to human genomics DNA laboratory accreditations for DNA testing and clinical testing, Sorenson Genomics also participates in proficiency testing programs designed to improve standards and practices among DNA testing genomics laboratories and businesses.
The Human Genomics DNA Testing Laboratory at Sorenson Genomics performs high-throughput core laboratory functions which can accommodate a range of project needs from the smallest DNA extraction study to the analysis of thousands of DNA samples for STR genotypes and SNP genotypes per day. DNA sequencing and DNA genotyping results typically take as little as one or two days. Once the results are completed, the client has secure, online access immediately to the results.
The Human Genomics DNA Testing Laboratory at Sorenson Genomics includes state-of-the-art instrumentation and technological resources. This facility incorporates a Laboratory Information Management System (LIMS), which makes use of a stringent method of tracking bar-coded specimens or containers through each of the separate robotic processes in the Human Genomics Laboratory. Sorenson Genomics is a Lean Six Sigma genomics DNA laboratory. We focus on testing products and materials to deliver results in the most efficient way in terms of cost and timing.